Your quiz results say that you’re in…

Recovery Ready

This might not be what you want to hear, but the truth is - you’re experiencing true burnout

Being Recovery Ready means that stress is severely impacting your physical and mental health and nothing seems to help you feel better. 

When you look at your professional and personal life, you feel you can’t cope anymore and you just want to escape. 

You’re anxious, maybe even suffering from panic attacks and you’re oh so exhausted, all the time.  

It’s become hard to recognize yourself, to perform, to feel confident and connected. 

I know how hard all of this is and I understand you might be feeling like there’s no way out. 

But it’s truly time to start taking care of yourself, to rest and get help, so you can reverse the effects of stress on yourself and your life.

You Are…




Right now you’re feeling…

You’re sick and tired of everything. You’re feeling low, exhausted, the ghost of who you used to be. You know you need to stop but it feels so hard to step off the hamster wheel you’re on. You just don’t know what to do and the sense of despair is getting stronger every day.

How to Break Free?

Taking care of yourself again is your gateway to freedom!

I know you probably wish you woke up tomorrow feeling like yourself again, no more exhaustion, pain and burnout… but since there’s no magic spell (unfortunately!) to make that happen, the next best thing is to prioritize your wellbeing. 

By resting, taking care of yourself and openly asking for support, you will start your recovery journey and learn how to create better balance in your life.

Your Balanced Leader Pathway

Focus on: 

  • Creating time and space for yourself and your needs

  • Having time off from everything to prioritize your recovery

  • Putting yourself first, no matter what’s going on around you 

To start your burnout recovery you can: 

  • Take a break from work - not a vacation, but some actual off to rest, nourish, regulate, breath, and just be. You can check into the FMLA requirements at your organization as you may be able to use FMLA benefits to take time off and start your recovery process

  • Schedule an appointment with your medical provider to get a physical exam, bloodwork and a hormone panel to get a baseline and rule out any medical conditions. It’s important to understand what is physiologically happening in your body, so you can make a plan of action as needed

  • Get professional support from someone who specializes in burnout recovery and dedicate your time to that process

  • Ask for help both at home and at work. You are not in a place to do everything alone and there’s no shame in asking for support where needed. 

  • Make well-being a priority and make it a non-negotiable to do at least 2 things each day to take care of your wellbeing. It can be just as simple as doing nothing or reading a book or treating yourself to a nap or a walk in nature.